1. How to join as a student for Ninasam Theatre Institute?
Answer: The basic academic requirement to join this course is a pass in SSLC, with a preference given for graduates, and those with a genuine interest and background in Theatre. Fluency in Kannada is essential and a working knowledge in English would be very useful. Normally candidates above the age of 30 are not selected. Applications are called for through advertisements in the months of April and May prescribed application forms can be had from our office. Selections will be made though an interview at Heggodu on a notified day, usually in the first week of July. Selected candidates will be informed in due course and they have to join the Institute on the first working day itself. For more details of the course see Prospectus. The application for the Course is called for in the month of April/May, and the interview is held in June/July. For details of Application see here.
2. How to invite Tirugata shows?
Answer: Tirugata travels normally between October and March, but the shows are fixed months before. If you wish to organise/sponsor a show at your place, you need to contact us in July to book a place and we will later get back to you with more details.
3. How to come for Culture Course?
Answer: The Culture Course takes place in the month of October, usually, in the first two weeks. It is open to anyone interested in arts and culture; but to limit the number of participants to a manageable number, we seek applications and do a selection based on the applications. For details of each year’s course and application formalities, get in touch with us during early August or the announcement in our website.
4. Can we visit Ninasam when we are free?
Answer: Yes. But if you wish to visit the library and see the activities, get in touch with us beforehand. We allow and accommodate students and research scholars to come and be in our campus for a short duration and use our library as well as watch our activities during some parts of the academic year. Inform us well in advance and take permission before you come.
5. Do you conduct short courses?
Answer: For example, the Summuer Theatre Workshop in May. Details are here.
6. How to help Ninasam financially?
Answer:If you are keen in financially helping Ninasam extend its philosophies and in the process do your bit to further the interests of an art form, you are welcome to send in your donations by way of Cheque / DD to Ninasam, Heggodu, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga 577417, Karnataka. All donations are exempted from tax under Section 80G from the Commissioner of Income Tax. Please contact us on 08183 265646 for further information.